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October 19, 2008


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I just finished a Paul Newman double feature of Cool Hand Luke and Nobody's Fool. The two go together in that it's almost the same man 30 years later; still stubborn and stuck in his ways, but a lot slower from being knocked down so many times- yet never broken.

From wikipedia on Aquarius- (I'll play ball, I'm a Sagittarius by the way)

-Free-spirited, rebellious
-Unconventional, misunderstood
-Devoted to their goals

Absolutely what Cool Hand is all about. He was "friendly" and "sociable," but every time he escaped the gang, he "singled-out" to recharge his batteries. One of the best scenes in the film is when he gets a visitor- the sharing of cigarettes, his smiles saying more than his words.

The Sting is great, but really just a sequel to Butch and Sundance. I'll have to check out Hud. The Hustler is a perfect movie- it's sad that the Academy has to fix their mistakes and reward actors for other performances (The Color of Money) as a way of atoning for their awards sins.

For the Oscars this year, they could use the last minute of Cool Hand Luke for his memoriam visual obituary, a perfect encapsulation of Mr. Newman.


Well, I just want to say how impressed I am with your passion for both the craft and the path you have chosen (or that has chosen you)! You just don't know, it does this ole heart good, chile! ;-)

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